wise in ascertation
for a rebuttle called helemph
A left-handed nearness to a
center needed.
grave and earnest infeasible
to eat a stabler’s shortcomings
There is a white wall
too understood
too robust
to bisect.
hand is to pass
as obdurate is to penis
as to disintegrate an
would be to
silence this,
dregs upon dregs
and full of
impermeable sediment
as if sentiment mattered at
the wask of a
tin raised
that never gets
much use in
post-clement phases.
It could brush a
decrepit trumpet
of its vein
a floor from its feather.
sometimes angles stick
to wetter places
more giving than this.
not see weight melted
molten die
and all clothes are close
to same
when in sunny eyes.
Though, be asked may
though who molests
the sun?
who is qualified to
a model and
model unlike?
Supplant (I) eat shears
and shears alike
will not condone
fluidity like this
because they are
on top of bodies.
The nature of heads is
that they are inflexible
to nod in 466 steps:
to nod in desperation
to nod in pretendation
a bitter bitter thing.
-one to drink
h t boet ies at act
s rs w p ed I pla c
c er a s a ham
And it wonders
how a star can find
the way to black and white
suppose xanthoderma
suppose a sudden “then as well”
then and only then are
we allowed to respell ~
This is why jobs are lost
This is why we realize (we suddenly have jobs)
but cannot say: (the meal is the most important)
because we cannot say
anything at all.
Halloo, yelp, cheer, bark
in an arcane triumphant
broken-winded passing through
the open station
There should be an aunt
reading the tarots’
exhibit, guide, trench
wise in intersection,
There should have been
a stop sign planted by churls
and swains alike.
There should have been
regularity in
pasts of syllabic pasts
of what stands
shall stand lozengened
by wax and vets claiming
they found “god”
in a foxhole!
“I’ve found God in a foxhole!
I’ve sprained my ankle and
found God in a foxhole!”
stories to stories upon spider webs
bent backward by tin to silver
and into the wind.
Backerei must be an
to cannot look but
impulsively bid.
Ice cream to be business
to be “adjunct”
to be eaten quickly
as not to pressure
but volcanic tide
from highest ranks
slidden down to
a hand that will mop up
swiftly as a manner could
be taught
to prevent
to indulge
a heart-shaped lick
be one seam
in sleep
where these
seen substantiations
can take place
with a nocturnal vision
that they actually are
as is.
to have hatched an egg
before sun takes its course
to let the birds know
of premature
natal care with a
flick flack wrack
of a wrist
poised backwards an
entire life
spelled in a pair of socks
barbed with holly
and rosemede but mostly
Euthanasia spared a person
from living
to boring a house circumvented
with thoughts of
pretty people glow
less in light draw upon
to upon brevity that
show itself in walking
marionette to be the
sickest thought since
pancakes in the thick
of a bloated mojave
less phlegmatic than
the dead cacti descending
into a gray dashed triangle
that would determine the
space in which to write.
to never say what is to
write what is beheld
behind glasses of eyes
that stamp and clam
Cambric like some
Ill-trotted cooking book
mosting on a brain
than can give the
best: as less as
can morsel a satiation
if were less than
the drunkards of the moon
shine as they spitfire
genius only to be once
said and never remembered
never like the rays
that made a league
of fire for lips to cook
the irrevocable red meat
that no one eats
only because they say so.
blush as said to
heat is said to
cut blades of grass
and what are they cut to do
in times like these?
in times like these
isn’t there supposed to be
a heat wave or a fire
to crane
us high
to where we can never
see again?
To clamber in pride
upon a ladder
would be the height of a
civilization called boy
and then he’d learn
of why missing left hands
and protected boxes are
as they
and sometimes
as they
cannot help themselves
to be.
the more lived would say
a diamond in the skull
is the worst terror
a general could fend
if he were a man
he would allow a blackened
pit into his liver or stomach
and let it be while he shaved
and carried on
pendulant as if his brain
moved with the fault line
it was set upon.
As if the Volga never
for a good reason.
it is wonderous how
the ineffectual never
yields the river
rampant or hated
continuous and bitten
to where a bite is no longer felt
because it is done by a mother
supposed that given thing
still holds sacred.
suppose that things were
as planned?
Unluckless as an
unleavened egg
see weatherman
for a bid that
made the air
so flat
please forward
to one that
can keep the hand
still enough to
specialize in sitting
pattern to pigeon
when we see a quilt
in the patterns
of starvation.
No one
appreciates your calls
results reason to think that this first one failed
to Hebrew to hiccup
right now is a great
a great part of our history
bivouac to remain in houses
in a place grown sterile
for their own sakes.
don’t touch this stuff
just hope in vein
you will shoot
your own head out
estuary in an armpit
isn’t an armpit.
it is what the monolith
felt to plant
when it issues
nothing of wetness.
All the stars have
their rook and twice
a queen.
when is a queen disgraced
when oh Edmund
can skin be felt
when there is hair
between the hand
and the skull.
A curtain call
bellied-up in a
pond or a moat
disinter something that
continues to live
deed without name
process with more
than needed.
Perpetuity sans
all-terrain vehicles
stop at stop signs
only for a rearrangement of
colors and chalks
sharpen lines
elongate eyes
that were fit to
see only
If you open
your ears
you may even hear
a shitty mother
protect her vomiting
presentiment with shoes
that they’ll actually
help. to calcium
deposit walk
walk for longer
feet for rocks
petrified for wood
that still stands
in middles of deserts.
To gull there is
a bread that would
fit into a trunk.
to roots that house
the standing
sand. Aw,
piss on Atlas!
here see a dipsea
trail and a clan
to secure you from it.
preservative feign
taedium vitae
Katcha was a
fleshpot of Egypt
and light as beer.
A neuron
A center
of pomegranite.
to incure in
a swamp no less!
datil datil datil
helemph hod
shawanee sheak ey
teak ey. A bench.
This is your birthplace
and said “child”
ignis fatuus
did you get saftied
into your life?
did you try
to cut your nails
like that? On
floors they
catch to the wires of
hair and nightly
evance on hills
that show
to show
how small we’ve
made the sun’s reflection
en teflon
seen jutted out
praxis on white
tile to line
to a point where
it can condense
no more
silly vases cracked
into a store
to store is
to never exercise
or walk these
466 steps past
darkness to light
in midsleep. Convecture
co-dependant only
if one were to
remark “sleep with me
for godsakes”
when lost for
translation object
to terms introduction
for narrative.
Commutative is a favorite
son. Powerful sun
to carry this
upon grass.
Take this rotten
old tree to see if
in there and here
is better than everywhere
rock-studded rope promising
something unobserved. It
can depict tired. formulaless
to x there is x
kiss us all
poor serfdom mainly
silenced for not
bothering to see
consequent revulsion
da l a I e be n
w in g ant p a g
it e r c ms s
chased out by
dreaming horizon
nature’s dry well
to no no clearly
have climbed for
no reason apparent
into prison
to and fro before
standing draw
on a screen
philistining what means
a favor from
to a simple hander
as easily said
and done.
please leave us here
when walking to
never away for cars
need their rest
nocturnal bumped
a shoulder tapped
only lightly by
headlights to downstairs
if you’re lucky.
Only if you’re lucky.
Elapsynchrosity from
two rooms panting
to belt one another
in time
to feel careful
oddities when planted
to revise as
best they can
electricity never
to point the way