A train hours into yellow
The going rate of lace the laceration of going
Chattel chaff-light place
A storm
Parting the row of trees
Part fence part living thing
A living fencing
Placed to placate
A fear of weather
To the north and west
Trees circling topsoil
Living wage turned
Living wager
Soon as the thaw sod household
Place clean with crickets
Even tuning
Even warming
In the chamber music
Osage-orange said by bowyers
To be even better than yew
The posture
And attitude of grass
Children running back and forth between
Osage-orange shelterbelt wire
The vicarious can be worked at
Until worked out
A slender crack in the party-wall
Between two rooms received when building
Place they first discover then make
Channel of speech
Mulberry white
Paler than boxwood
Indebted to nature yes
But harnessing its vagaries
Sienna and starched cloth
An Atlantic
Which hits with rigmarole in waves like horses
Worked into cool sweat then blanketed
Solitaire-cut fields break into meadow
A moth decals on a flower
If we could see any better
Say in the moth’s ultraviolet
Would art still take effect
Would one still turn to it
A sled left at the end of its run
Finds summer work as a birdbath
Cemetery in shadow of rock
Cliff swallow nests like hammock bivies
Relief prevents the ink
From moving beyond the edge
Softer moment
Green coat
The sea’s unthinking is taller
Night is enough to hold against heat
Like engine paint
The astronomer undergoing
Fast and other
Halo-like phenomena
A ram broad silvery real
Negotiating rimrock
The astronomer lights some husks
Down nearly to the ground
They go happily fluttering in fantastic knots
New world monarchs
Troubling to stick as cheeks and snow
A woman twice-widowed
And tired of burying her shorn hair
Invents braided bread
Summer / winter
Summer / winter
We are north enough
To begin a directive of again
Taiga priming
Moroccan tomato
This end was the blossom end