One theory is about riding
a bike
but we cannot apply this to language
Believing in script as a replacement for the body
the shock of sunlight at the tent mouth
didn't recognize the wrong son,
stirs into the lentils the wrong
A toe-tracked blue line is
a mapping Walking along the ledger lines
the letters hang down
in both languages I don't speak
theory regards the use of food vocabulary in language acquisition
sees me and kisses my cheeks because it is me she has seen / soft
and curved brushing the material
is the ghost of myself listening
in [not
To enter with an offering / I would like to be kissed
at home and not at home
I learn how to understand correct and not correct
A toe-tracked blue line is
a mapping of national limits and my teeth
are the same material as my skull
a stream of words mine and not mine
theory is about the permeability of the veil between women
as a replacement for the body
Speaking through gestures
While the day was bright / in the tent / it was night
I learn how to ask for what I want
to eat / how / to articulate
my hunger
I'm a listener at heart
in my hand-me-downs
In the tunnel between our houses where the
snow light is blue and we both
get called home
She tells the story about birthright without understanding the presence
of her own body, impossible / unrelated
To pick it up and put it down with intention
As replacement for the body