Tree-trunks buttressed against wind
& seasons of rain    crested chickadee
peeto-s from redbud branches    a tangle
of tea leaves in a yellow gaiwan
edged with cranes    hailstone
honey bee    the wren's cocked tail
a wilderness of reserves & timber leases
refuge of frost & stars    of fire & sumac
stands of prickly pear    a bluff against
a floodplain where the Spoon River meets
the Illinois    wood thrush    larkspur
sugar pine    ruby-throated hummingbird   
a measured meadow    a shifting resembling
something human rather than world
a moveable plethora    the bank littered
with small hills of bone    canopies of
bear-skins & branches    eight-spear heads
within a mammoth rib-cage


Beneath the pressed earth    a locust
horse bones    an enemy whose lips have been
sawed off    the white of two moths
a second as a killing thing    chipped flint
dolmen    stone table    an economy
of placelessness    stone as the skeleton
of this    casualties of dwelling
light tree darkness seed    midnight barred
owl in a hemlock tree    columbine sprouting
from rock interpolated in the cliff's face
muffled vastness    marauders traveling
towards a time of no & nothing
of heat & crowding    a word a presence deferred
like any to conceal    a waterjar a white-throated
sparrow    dead wood mistaken
for bone for wellworn for a culture that will
replace even its originator & the land
becomes common & again  


A cardinal's red fray    as he circles
on the line    a ruby-crowned kinglet
in October migration    flitting white then
gold    does pilgrim mean without
place or progress    a bison trail for railroad  
slate-colored junco for windrow
of dead trees    a crown a bower    to carry
away the world    the old seabed that is
now the Great Plains    "he told me
death was dead"    "many a bitterness—had
been—"    the bobwhite's once familiar
call    "a vast zero" a sound a weed
a record of malice    dawn drawn down by
a zest for one kind of living & not
another    15,000 bodies buried in a rocky ravine
land of little use to most    goes
unnoticed for 200 years    scrap
scarp    twilight    forge & plot


Dark spread on sound    rocks shells
broken plates    wine bottles    some sound spread
on dark    here lies the wild sea    here lies
a greened gap    a syllable for neck for chest
for spring    some stones depicted a hand
cutting down a tree    some carved
sandstone into figure of neck & head    here
lies a boy in a tree    a blank & unfocused thing
some "familiar species that perished
by the door"    gathering wood & consoling
ourselves    buried outside the walls
with "eyes that looked on wastes"
& a "blank—and steady wilderness"  
a litter of bean poles wrapped
in thin bark for carrying away corpses
& the wounded    this dead man this pale
wood    this black horse
a lead horse    a hearse for now


To see dimly is to see
the ground covered in beads    tawny & loosed
in sandreed bottlebrush & sage smudge
ground-cherry horned-lark nightfall
want    a shell a boy inside stopless
a body a heavy white frost    "the red—
blaze" of the morning undreamt—
a ceremony underpins it    rocks ice
water air    to distinguish a certain
shatter    for certain this nutshell    goatgrass
a bull elk's bugle in fall rut
French's shooting-star at Lusk Creek
that a self is the extension of all these
a midland of hickory & oak    a flock
of coreopsis    black walnut & sugar maple
rawboned    airy    fine    how far
are you from aslant or asunder    rain
on dry leaves    on unable & undone