“Post-modern discontinuity” (dash, space, cut, break) Not individual perceptions, thoughts, sensations nor a cloud Of, can you say “of”? (the doll had no mouth) Cut between a part and a whole, Stuttering is in the table of elementary “A work which then extrapolates…” Of can you say: expressing the relationship between Or: of the queer fingers under, in, me About letters, the writer can use the talking about something (the doll had no mouth) The project, that is, the speaker (dash, space, cut, break) The conversation stashed in buoyant cages (your mouth on mine: legs, sweat, cantilever) Of can you say: governed by a noun expressing Invisible now, underworld mince now. (the doll with the string pulled too hard) What do you do with something that is so other to others? Matter becomes what opening in the face To negate our ideas of objects and subjects, (in part, in part, in part) but that it suggested so much.