
FRIENNNDS want a brighter
life move the crumb
and candywrapper
one pocket to the other to the other
and so on


with news like this who needs
the purgatorial pebbles in the sparrow gang
exploding from the chainlink
like bobbins like pistons like gindrunk dreams
for yr parlor starboard shellgame
the hand nothing but a skint jay
the heart a time came
comes stays


why else call it townhouse
dog has a habit of hiding shoes
yr sad socks for real rascal cat puppets
born and raised on stirrup ladder
smoke rings two
pruned bday balloons
introvert the angles of the living room
break their own faces just to be awakened


no public address guy godthroating
punctuated with little hills and swells of roars
shook out watch out daddy longlegs
poor man's confetti
somebody lost their breakfast in the tornado slide
best thing ever happened to the yellowjackets
since gummy stump they ride
low and side to side buff the nothing
like a buncha guy guys the back when way
lion prion liniment into it
slow limo shadow lean and


these saint days FRIENNNDS
the trains don't run hardly
i guess their wheels felt and fell for a telephone
dog's safe but not so sure
where you've been
is busy being you
believe it she licks penny stains
straight from the tracks
hunts the has-been's
deadfruit breath
narrowed to a whistle
then balloon string


brushed and folded and put away
dear deer meander prayer road
harmonize the heart with milkweed seed
softer than turtle urine morning is a song
a purr fieldmouse whiskers what but wet
light bends one to two the night's a mouth
and the day is being born and kept in
an empty saltine box


some lost match socks to coo a home
when texture tells the story stray
when i can't find the thread i trace the
dream babble of deer walking with
right nose smolder smoke see blood
is just future flame
or flame is blood at the beach
or blood is flame perfected
or cars run on foot bones


no ya don't squeeze no gas nozzle
ya hold up a severed leg
and like with toothpaste
work your way up
until one day
love yr legs again
your ass in the dirt
you hug yr legs again
and tho yr eyes see nothing
but simultaneity
you do one thing
stay one where
job flagging counterfeit postage
duluth maybe


and creek is walking
little low gurgle toes every
temporal exemplar ever
yes creek is out walking and
it's some things ya pay for
they give yr money right
back richer quicker
what ya already had


talkin graveyard hay made
haybine headstone hungry
and smoke and spark and
and letters and numbers and children
ferry hot chunks in shirts away pray
rag racing cars
faster than you can say
nylons in baby dinosaur eggs


over by the milk ilk when
national inquirer
meant outlandish means
up in the air where aliens
juggle pastoral eyes
hit the floor and run
like crabs teaching
side eye to machined lines


it's our size FRIENNNDS sometimes spares
us the arch eye attitudes
of someone's been everywhere
second cousin to
the slicker whiteness
of a heart attack scar
barn swallow gets it
everybody's great granddaddy is wind
and magnet horseshoes


magnet is horseshoe
the horseshoe the magnet
a vastation no
a new blue egg green
eggs on hard soft straw
bellybutton high


fastforward baton loan oaths
in the broke toe soles of their shoes
the swallows the swallows
done and doing
a shadow of a shoulder dance
in creases
of my left hand
freckle creek no need
for a convention
and the usual questions about parking


every body question restless
hungry heat love dark cold light legacy
leech on a snapper shell
obdurate mercy silly sure
as shit sideways
like chewin gum
doing situps
in the mouth of god


nights the train's
chug and shrug and
unshaved mug goes in
molars to growl
like the bellies
of coyotes denned
one long light late afternoon


it's all about us making the light we can of heavy
and louder now FRIENNNDS
it's all about eating the mirror
with a sidesalad of window
and louder now
it's the heat volatizes and we crisp to that truth now
ambulance bird
beak be a plow
be a prow


FRIENNNDS the not so secret
joy in woods is angles
angling lines
hooked crooked angels
my favorite teeth
every tree leaf lean each branch let yearn
buy the muzzle
and bury it woods


let the eye
ride dill sight
dust after damp
stops kissing it
that we might
dig it dig in
my night
die right


fern refuses fat comb hairspray
school picture fake woods
splurged inn neon cum columbine
jellyfish lazy takes one to know one
thru a mouthful of stale ranch
separates a little too long alone


the lonely are many people in one
divided by day more lonesome dun dun
fences of their own making
or that's just life dropping
bright geometry between here and there stale
bread amazon cardboard bulwark rag bar to
where just breathing pieces the parts more and
more hard to say what is and isn't useful


guys want the go'ful sound
as in 4andmorewheel vroooom around
me i
just want
quiet legs
the sounds stilll around
and to carry
and to carry the puddle
to the sea


milkweed leaves new god
arch up ridiculous
tough and tender
deepset skin net
pelican wind thru
pine combs the one
hair of the air
kid what eats the spitball
shaming down his
fourth grade face
breaks the game
into nine


dandelion and vetch
both a little dog whiz dizzy turning
wooden spoon counter
in tha treeroot thru concrete hands
of mothers thinking of other things
the mind luvs to jump up and down
in one place kangaroo on a short chain
that trampoline ain't been there
for years wind got in between kids
what's lonelier than a thing past its purpose
what can you possibly forget in
how's that amnesia shirt going


chicken lived years without no head
guy made a killing
off that chicken having tried
to kill that chicken once upon a time
folks hunted fourleggers by laying
on the back see and kickin the legs up see
two little hallelujah arms of fire
warm born from rugged earth
curiosity killed the chrysalis
discuss cat iron discuss mirth


the furrow worryin ya custom do
there's a limit to how close dirt miserates with dirt
see now when i catch my head
too long inn that hole
heel shovel snaggin
i show my cap my hand i
tinkle in there and
flavored by heavier some
chuckle it soars
like the heart of the matter


sunrise up next
on the teevee and after
why it's just another day
countin yr just teeth with
yr tongue
in montana
myrna loy once